The Reading List
If you’ve seen us speak or present, it’s likely we referenced additional reading. This is a collection of books and documentaries from authors and film-makers who have shaped and contributed to the fields in which we work. We recommend all of them - some for their specific techniques, others to help us switch perspectives.
Where you can, please purchase locally or used - keep your learning as low carbon-footprint as you can. If there’s a specific recommendation you’re looking for, drop us a note.
The original classic, from the founders of the Harvard Negotiation Project
A highly readable introduction to the approach and methodologies of behavioral economics
Using "choice architecture" to lead publics to better decisions.
Taking a long and broad view of human evolution.
The role the improbable (and hard to forecast) plays in shaping the world and how to incorporate into your strategy and life.
A case study in making complex facts accessible without dumbing-down.
A follow-up to Getting to Yes. More focused on particularly conflicted situations.
The flagship book, reviewing the groundbreaking work of Danny Kahneman and Amos Tversky
Documentary: A retrospective on leadership, dependence on data, ego, identity, and the ethics of executive decision-making.
The psychology of reaching optimal experience.
How plethora of choice can create anxiety rather than control and freedom.
Breaking the myth of IQ as the singular measure of intelligence. An analysis of the multiple types of intelligence in humans and how to harness them.
The art and science of changing your own and other people's minds.
A nerdfest for those fascinated by both the tradecraft and stagecraft of some of the toughest international negotiations.
The case for anti-fragility as a strategy (vs. robustness or resiliency).
The 1965 classic, which continues to outperform the thinking of most contemporary ideation and innovation texts.
Documentary: From the perspective of the executive decision-makers. The pressures, confusion, and ambiguity of information when responding to crisis events.